Agrimonia eupatoriaCharacteristic State: Problems with ConfrontationsAgrimony is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is used for people who act bright and cheery and often do not let others see the anxiety they hold within.
Populus tremulaCharacteristic State: Fears of Unknown OriginsAspen has been referred to as "the trembling tree" as its leaves appear to shiver and whisper in the breeze. The Aspen remedy is for one who fears or worries for no speci
Fagus sylvaticaCharacteristic States: Intolerance, CriticalBeech is for individuals who are constantly criticizing others and are intolerant of other people's shortcomings. They tend to be critical, judgmental and arrogant due to a
Centaurium umbellatumCharacteristic: Trying to Please OthersCentaury is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for people that find it difficult to say no. This remedy should be taken by those who find it hard to stand up fo
Ceratostigma willmottianaCharacteristics: Seeks advice and Confirmation from othersCerato is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for people who lack self-confidence in their own judgement and decision making. When these p
Prunus CerasiferaCharacteristics: Fear of Insanity, Uncontrolled TemperCherry Plum is intended for people on the verge of a breakdown. These people have a fear that their mind will lose control, resulting in insanity with harm bein
Aesculus HippocastanumCharacteristic: Failure to Learn from Past MistakesChestnut Bud is for those who fail to learn from experiences. They have a tendency to ignore past experiences which leads to the repetition of similar mistake
Cichorium intybusCharacteristics: Possessive, Self-PityChicory is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for people who control and manipulate their loved ones. These people tend to be of the mothering kind, as they are lovi
Clematis vitalbaCharacteristics: Dreamers, Lack of Interest in PresentClematis is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for those who often live in a dream world. These people are artistic, creative and love to look forward
Malus pumilaCharacteristics: Self Hatred, Sense of UncleanlinessThis remedy is to be used when one has feelings of despair, uncleanliness, and disgust. This flower is especially useful after an illness, when one has had to touch co
Ulmus ProceraCharacteristic: Overwhelmed by ResponsibilityThis flower is for capable, independent people who temporarily lose confidence in themselves. They become overwhelmed by the tasks at hand, resulting in a feeling of inadequ
Gentiana amarellaCharacteristic: Easily DiscouragedGentian is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for those that are easily discouraged when things go wrong, or when faced with difficulties, from a known cause. This loss
Ulex europaeusCharacteristics: Hopelessness, DespairFor those who have lost the hope and will to fight on. When these individuals awaken in the morning, they see nothing worthwhile to get out of bed. They could be suffering from a
Calluna vulgarisCharacteristics: Self-centeredness, Self-concernThese individuals tend to overanalyze personal situations and are quite talkative about their affairs leading to self-preoccupation. They tend to monopolize the attent
Ilex aquifoliumCharacteristics: Hatred, Envy, Jealousy, AngerFor those consumed with negative emotional states, such as hatred, anger, jealousy, rage, revenge, contempt, or selfishness. They lack the ability to love and feel anger
Lonicera caprifoliumCharacteristic: Lives in the PastThis remedy should be taken by people who have difficulty living in the present and continue to exist through memories of the past. This flower is especially helpful to bereaved
Carpinus betulusCharacteristics: Feeling of Procrastination, Burnt OutFor temporary feelings of being mentally overwhelmed, causing a lack of energy and inability to face each new day. The mental weariness is related to the thought
Impatiens glanduliferaCharacteristic: ImpatienceImpatiens is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for people who are easily irritated, impatient, and impulsive. They want things done immediately, and although they are capa
Larix deciduaCharacterisitc: Lacks ConfidenceFor those who lack self confidence and do not attempt to complete new tasks because all they see in their future is failure. They tend to suffer from an inferiority complex, however they
Mimulus guttatusCharacteristic: Fear of Known ThingsMimulus is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for fear of known causes such as: illness, death, accidents, pain, animals, insects, dark, public speaking, loss of friend
Sinapis arvensisCharacteristic: Depression of Unknown Origin Mustard is for those who suddenly become gloomy with no apparent cause. It is a depression that descends like a dark cloud that hides the joy out of life. These people be
Quercus roburCharacteristic: Exhausted but Struggles OnOak people are brave. There is little that is negative about their temperament; they are fighters, solid, reliable people -- as the Oak tree is, however, this remedy is needed
Olea europeaCharacteristic: Lack of Energy or VitalityThis remedy is taken when a feeling of mental or physical exhaustion has set in. The individual may feel so drained of energy that they are incapable of pushing forward due to o
Pinus sylvestrisCharacteristic: GuiltWhen the sufferer is contained with feelings of unjustified guilt, Pine is needed. It is for individuals who find they often blame themselves for the mistakes of others and are continuously apol
Aesculus carneaCharacteristic: Anxiety For OthersThis flower should be taken when one finds they are excessively concerned for others, leading to a constant worry that something terrible will happen to a loved one. They tend to onl
Dr. Bach formulated one composite remedy, which he called "Rescue Remedy". This formula is to be taken in times of emergency or severe distress.
Rescue Remedy contains 5 Bach flowers:
Cherry Plum: For l
Dr. Bach formulated one composite remedy, which he called "Rescue Remedy". This formula is to be taken in times of emergency or severe distress.
Rescue Remedy contains 5 Bach flowers:
Cherry Plum: For l
Helianthemum nummulariumCharacterisitcs: Terror, PanicRock Rose is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is to be taken in cases of extreme fear, panic, or terror causing the individual to be unable to face the object of fear.
Aqua petraCharacteristics: Self-Denial, InflexibilityThis flower is beneficial for those inflexible in their way of life. They follow a rigid path, which if strayed from causes self repression. These people tend to be opinionated,
Scleranthus annuusCharacteristics: Uncertainty, IndecisionScleranthus is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for those who have trouble in deciding between two things. Even after a decision is made, these people will cont
Ornithogalum umbellatumCharacteristic: Effects of Shock or TraumaThis remedy is for the after effects of shock, mental or physical, due to an accident, bad news, a death, or constant frights. For this reason it is an integral part
Castanea sativaCharacteristic: Absolute DespairTo be taken when a person is contained with feelings of utter despair, in which no hope is seen in the near future. They may feel desolate and heartbroken, or feel so terrible that the
Verbena officinalisCharacteristic: Close MindedVervain is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. It is for those with fixed principles and ideas, which they hold a strong belief in, and are stubborn when it comes to readjusting th
Vitis viniferaCharacteristic: Domineering, InflexibleThis flower is for those who have a tendency to dominate others. They are intelligent and strong, filled with many positive attributes, but do not force their ideas on others. Th
Juglans regiaCharacteristic: Protection from ChangeWalnut should be taken by those who find it difficult in coping with change. Often this remedy is taken at major life changes such as: teething, puberty, pregnancy, divorce, menopa
Hottonia PalustrisCharacteristics: Proud, AloofWater Violet is one of Bach's original twelve remedies. The problem with these individuals is that they are so self-reassured that they find it difficult to discuss any of their proble
Aesculus hippocastanumCharacteristic: Obsessive ThinkingFor when the mind is tormented with persistent, repetitive, and unwanted thoughts or worries. The same ideas tend to circle the individuals brain and it is difficult to stop t
Bromus ramosusCharacteristic: Uncertainty as to Correct Path in LifeFor those who feel they have reached a crossroad in their life and are unsure of which direction to take. They are often the "lost souls", who have positive energy
Rosa caninaCharacteristics: Indifferent, Unresponsive, DazedFor those who are often indifferent to situations and resign themselves to all that happens. They do not complain about their life, no matter how dull they find it, and wi
Salix vitellinaCharacteristic: ResentmentFor those resentful or bitter over events in life that have befallen onto them. They feel like life has treated them poorly and the injustices that have occurred to them are completely undes