Properties and Uses:In ancient Greece, bee pollen was called "Ambrosia", meaning "Food of the Gods".Bee pollen is one of the richest and most complete foods in nature. It is often used by athletes to give them extra stamina and energy. Bee pollen is rich in vitamins, trace minerals and 19 of 20 amino acids. It has natural interferon and that helps to build the immune system. CAUTION: One may be allergic to bee pollen. To test, dissolve a small amount under the tongue. If the eyes water and the nose runs, do not use in large amounts. Some use a few grains at a time for three to four weeks and built up to one capsule daily. After one to three months, sensitivities to airborne pollens are reduced or eliminated.As we have seen, pollen is the male element of the flower. When examined under the microscope, it is seen as a very fine powder, an infinite amount of grains of different forms and designs representing the specific flower from which it comes. This fine powder, containing richly concentrated nutritive and healing properties, forms the ovules, the starting point of the production of fruits, grains, legumes and vegetables. Basically, pollen gathered by the bees is mixed with nectar to make it more solid and of a particular consistency to form the pellets, the form that is carried into the hive. A bee brings two loads of pollen at a time in her pollen baskets; that is, two pellets which weigh an average of 20 milligrams (one milligram is one thousandth of a gram; one ounce has 30 grams). It takes a bee approximately one hour to collect an amount that adds up to about four million pollen grains. Therefore, one teaspoon (the customary recommended dose) contains about 1200 pellets; or about 2.5 billion grains of pollen-each of which has all the potency to fertilize and create a fruit, a grain and so forth. Yes, there is power in pollen. But what is in it for you? The composition of pollen, like that of honey and royal jelly, is extremely complex. An analysis shows 9 very richly concentrated amount of nitrogenous materials known as protein, minerals, amino acids along with a treasure of other non-isolated and different trace elements.Pollen can be taken by the spoon and let dissolve in the mouth like candy or it can be added to other foods, especially salads, fruits, juices, yogurt, jams and honey.It is the purest and most complete food available to man and can be taken by people of any age. It is a food of 100% plant origin and is therefore ideal for people on a meatless diet. Just 1 gram of pollen is able to energize and develop fruit in about 100,000 flowers. It is the richest natural food with the smallest volume.
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