The product titles, descriptions & instructions have not been written or reviewed by Herbie's Herbs.
Do not use these products to diagnose, treat, or cure any
diseases or replace medical attention.
Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist
before using any products you purchase.
The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA.
SARS-Cov-2 (copy)
$36.00 CAD
objective: decrease general inflamation and specifically lower chronic inflamation in upper and lower bowel function
$95.67 CAD
5 Mushroom Tincture
Supports immune system, gut, gives energy and exercise endurance, healthy aging, and sleep cycle support among other things.
I’ve been using it for several months and it has also helped to bring my smell and taste back after Covid-19.
$58.00 CAD
Acorus Americanus
$168.00 CAD
Adrenal Support
$171.86 CAD
Adrenal Support Tonic
This blend works well to remedy issues of anxiety and/or depleted adrenals.
$58.00 CAD
Adrenal, Liver & Skin Formula - Dec 25, 24
$61.00 CAD
Alchornea-Otoba Microbial 250 ml
$58.00 CAD
Allergies Relief
Offers relief of itchy eyes, sneezing, nasal congestion, and general discomforts related to hay fever and allergies. Also , offers adaptogen boost to your immune system.
I have used this remedy with my family (children, parents and grandparents) to avoid the brunt of seasonal allergies symptoms.
Consult a herbologist before use if you have immune system disorders or if you are taking immuno-suppressants, also if after taking this your symptoms worsen or persist with no change. Do not use for more than 3 months.
Recommended dose is 1.25 ml three times daily
$92.00 CAD
Allergy Blend
Helps relieve symptoms of allergic rhinitis such as watery itchy eyes, sneezing, congestion and/or runny nose.
$30.00 CAD
Allergy Relief Tincture
Formulated with herbs that contain antihistamine, decongestant, and bronchio-dilating properties
$64.00 CAD
Amoeba Formula
$33.00 CAD
Anti cancer Tincture
This tincture is good for people who want to see improvement in their overall health and well being.
$232.83 CAD
Anti Kala-Azar (copy) juillet '24
This is a work in progress. The medical community has alternatively said: That I have parasitosis, i.e. an imaginary parasitic infection, or that because I do not have the travel vector; that I have numerous, untreated health issues. I HAVE other vectors, By my own research at the Canadian Medical Association Journal, The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet, The CDC and the WHO, I have Leishmyiasis (Kala-Azar) acquired in 2021.
$193.70 CAD
Anti Kala-Azar - December '24
This is a work in progress.
The medical community has alternatively said:
That I have parasitosis, i.e. an imaginary parasitic infection, or that because I do not have the travel vector that I have numerous, untreated health issues. I have close contact with residents from endemic zones,
By my own research at the Canadian Medical Association Journal, The Journal of the American Medical Association, The Lancet, The CDC and the WHO, I have Leishmyiasis (Kala-Azar) acquired in 2021, or PKDL.
$208.99 CAD
Anti viral tincture
This tincture can help with common colds, viruses, and other internal health problems.
$47.03 CAD
Anti-asthmatic and Anti-inflammatory Formula
The medicinal plants listed below, while chosen for asthma, have been known to be anti-inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antihistaminic, smooth-muscle relaxants, and anti-allergy.
A respiratory antiseptic, this formula is also a lung tonic, as it contains plants with key constituents that are useful in easing the pain of arthritis and chronic joint pain.
$69.06 CAD
Anti-fungal mystery (copy)
$221.82 CAD
Anti-fungal mystery 2.0
$237.60 CAD
Anti-fungal mystery 2.0 (copy)
$136.42 CAD
Antibacterial Tincture
Oregano leaf, cumin seed, thyme leaf, mother of thyme, cinnamon bark, chinese cinnamon, cinnamon, aloe Vera, fenugreek seed.
$45.00 CAD
Anticancer Potion
These herbs represent all 12 Minus ( detox) elements on the Grove Body Part Chart ( See was added to account for the alcohol in the tincture, Celery seed added for an extra Boron component...
By cleansing all 12 main body parts at once, you are able to eradicate the parasite labelled cancer more easily...These 12 elements are Zinc, Manganese, Titanium, Potassium, Carbon, Selenium, Oxygen, Iodine, Copper, Magnesium, Fluorine, Boron...
$80.12 CAD
Anticancer Potion extra strength
These herbs represent all 12 Minus ( detox) elements on the Grove Body Part Chart ( See doubled-so herbs were added to account for 24 or two times 12..Ginseng was added to account for the alcohol in the tincture,Celery seed added for an extra Boron component...Milk thistle was also added to remove alcohol, as was Andrographis...
By cleansing all 12 main body parts at once, you are able to eradicate the parasite labelled cancer more easily...These 12 elements are Zinc, Manganese, Titanium, Potassium, Carbon, Selenium, Oxygen, Iodine, Copper, Magnesium, Fluorine, Boron...
$139.47 CAD
Antifungal tincture
Thyme, peppermint, cinnamon, oregano, guava, turmeric, mother of thyme, fenugreek seed, wild yam root, chinese sasparilla
$45.00 CAD
AntiSpasmodic Tincture (Jethro Kloss)
Jethro Kloss (Back to Eden) recommends this formula to stop a seizure.
$58.00 CAD
Asthma tincture
This tincture is for people who have trouble with breathing improve their health.
$109.30 CAD
Astigmatism tincture
This tincture helps people with astigmatism improve their eye health .
$224.82 CAD
Away with Anemia!
Ginseng, Siberian root 1 part
Red Clover leaf+flower 1 part
Elecampane root 1 part
$30.00 CAD
Babesia Formula
$180.70 CAD
babesia tincture
Take babesia tincture for as long as needed, recommended for period longer then red blood cells life span. For average to sever anemia add artemisinin for 3 days 3 times a day then take 2 weeks brake from artemisinin. Then repeat again with artemisinin for as long as needed. Please consult your lyme literate doctor on artemisinin dosage.
$180.02 CAD
Back spasm tincture
This tincture is good for people who want to see improvement with their back spasms .
$45.98 CAD
Bartonella treatment
$61.50 CAD
Calm restless legs. Calm the mind. Relax tension. Fall asleep quickly and stay asleep.
$33.11 CAD
Bedtime Drops
$58.00 CAD
Black and yellow (FrankinChaga)
to be taken with DHA(omega 3) & GLA(omega 6)
to lower systemic inflammation and joint pain
AM- see formula 2 for PM
$42.00 CAD
Black seed Tinture
$30.00 CAD
Blood Circulator
Improves blood flow and circulation to entire body. Helps to dissolve blood clots and plaque built up in arteries. Regulates blood pressure, lowers bad cholesterol levels, heart beat and strengthen its pumping sytem of blood.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$153.54 CAD
Blood Detox Master
Blood Cleanse - Detox Blend
1/2 - 1tsp up to 3x daily or as needed. Increase during herxheimer reaction.
$172.76 CAD
This tincture is good for people who want to see improvement with Joint Support, Mobility Support, Flexibility Support, Inflammation Support, Immune Support .
$33.00 CAD
Body Cleanse (copy)
$39.00 CAD
Bone Fracture Tincture
This tincture helps with speeding up recovery from bone fractures.
$116.39 CAD
Bone spur formula
$168.00 CAD
Boron family for Skene’s and Prostate glands
These are all herbs and seeds in Boron family...
Cuscuta and Ipomoea are related to Morning Glory family...
All these Boron family elements are useful for Prostate Cancer, Ovarian Cancer(Skene’s gland), Brca2 predispositions, excess Molybdenum, and are 5 alpha reductase inhibitors...
If your peeing is cloggy, or your thoughts feel perverse and uncontrollable, you can clean the brain Cerebral Aqueduct and Corpus Callossum, and the body, Skene’s gland and the Prostate gland, using Boron things...
$33.00 CAD
This formula contains potent phytoestrogens and galactogogues in order to help increase breast size and help with increasing milk supply in lactating individuals.
$73.00 CAD
Breast Tincture (Roger Formula)
$251.84 CAD
Breast tincture (updated)
$251.84 CAD
Breathe Easy
Grindelia robusta 51% (Expectorant, Sedative)
Aesclepias 25% (Soothing respiratory)
Verbascum 24% (Anti-spasmodic, Expectorant)
$63.15 CAD
Breathing Tincture
This tincture is great for people with asthma who want to see improvement with their airways.
$209.20 CAD
Brechins Formula
$58.00 CAD
Bronchitis and Mucus Relieve
I have used this formula with my family (childre, parents and grandparents) to reduce the duration and symptoms of really bad flu viruses. It shorten the duration and effects even for my 90 something diabetic grandma. Helped us avoid complications and hospitalizations. It is our go to medicine without fail. Do not use for more than 4 - 6 weeks.
recommended dose is 1 ml 3 times daily
consult with herbologist before use if you have blood pressure issues or electrolity imbalance, or if you have a progressive systemic disease.
$168.99 CAD
Buhner herbs (copy)
$174.28 CAD
Buhner Lyme Protocol
$92.00 CAD
Buhner UTI tincture
$31.46 CAD
C.S.A Plus for Babesia
Cryptolepis, Sida and Alchornea with Danshen root, Cat's Claw bark, Goldenseal root.
$198.05 CAD
C/S/A Babesiosis tincture
Use for babesiosis when Cryptolepis alone is not strong enough.
$184.43 CAD
Provides a blend of herbs that are natural sources of calcium, magnesium, and silicon.
$168.00 CAD
Calcium tinture.
This tincture is for people with osteogenisis imperfecta who want to see improvement and bone regeneration .
$139.28 CAD
Carol’s Ajwain Formula For Tenesmus
For Tenesmus
14 Parts Ajwain seed
Remedy for constant urge to poop...
$58.00 CAD
Cellular tincture
This tincture can help maintain and support cellular integrity and DNA health.
$79.00 CAD
Chronic cough tincture
This tincture is good for chronic coughing and expelling mucus buildup.
$222.06 CAD
Classic treatment for Babesiosis with neurological symptoms.
Take babesia tincture for as long as needed, recommended for period longer then red blood cells life span. For average to sever anemia add artemisinin for 3 days 3 times a day then take 2 weeks brake from artemisinin. Then repeat again with artemisinin for as long as needed. Please consult your lyme literate doctor on artemisinin dosage.
$180.33 CAD
Clot Dissolver
Dissolve blood clots from arteries and veins. Improves blood circulation and eliminates toxins from blood. Works as a herbal blood detoxifier and thinner.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$33.00 CAD
Cognitive function
This tincture helps your brain stay focus and pay attention so you wont get distracted.
$230.87 CAD
Complete Cleanser (Part 1)
Provides complete dextoxification of toxins and metal from the body through lymphatic, urinary, biliary and digestive channels. Helps to rejuvinate entire body from using all powerful cleansing herbs. It will open your senses, clears mental fog, dizziness, improves vision, nasal passages, hearing, blood circulation, tissue inflammation, edema and swelling, clears skin from acne, spots, dark circles, dryness and eczema by purifying blood from impurites. Eliminates joint, knee and back pains. Dissolves blood clots from arteries, veins, lungs, heart and brain. Balances pH, sugar, cholesterol, stomach acid levels and alkalize your entire body.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$234.85 CAD
Complete Cleanser (Part 2)
Provides complete dextoxification of toxins and metal from the body through lymphatic, urinary, biliary and digestive channels. Helps to rejuvinate entire body from using all powerful cleansing herbs. It will open your senses, clears mental fog, dizziness, improves vision, nasal passages, hearing, blood circulation, tissue inflammation, edema and swelling, clears skin from acne, spots, dark circles, dryness and eczema by purifying blood from impurites. Eliminates joint, knee and back pains. Dissolves blood clots from arteries, veins, lungs, heart and brain. Balances pH, sugar, cholesterol, stomach acid levels and alkalize your entire body.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$232.81 CAD
$184.96 CAD
Daily Immune Tonic
I have used this remedy with my family at the first sign of any illness as an immune booster with excellent results.
Used in herbal medicine as an adaptogen to help maintain a healthy immunes system and to help increase resistance to stress (e.g.:for cases of mental and physical fatigue resulting from stress).
Not recommended for use beyond 1 month.
Do not use if you have high blood pressure.
Consult a herbologist before use if you have an autoimmune disorder or any type of acute infection.
Recommended dose: 1.25-1.5 ml twice a day.
$168.00 CAD
Daily Immune Tonic Licorice Free
Similar to the daily immune tonic only difference is that it does not exclude people with high blood pressure.
Supports strong immune system response and also helps as a vital energy tonic for fatigue.
Recommended dose: 1.25-1.5 ml twice per day.
$92.00 CAD
Dan - gall bladder and stomach formula
This formula will help with biliary colic, stomach and spleen Qi, as well as calming shen.
$33.76 CAD
Dan - gallstone formula
This formula helps lymphatic circulation, reduces phlegm (stagnant fluids), supports the liver/gall bladder, moves Qi down, improves digestion and breaks up gallstones
$36.63 CAD
Depurative Tincture for Liver Functions Formula
Staying clear from marketing terms such as detox and cleanse, this herbal plan focuses on supporting and strengthening the liver functions.
It also improves and aids elimination to reduce the accumulation of metabolic waste products within the body, thus also supporting the lymphatic system.
$74.26 CAD
Detox Tonic
$30.00 CAD
Diabete type 1&2 tincture
This tincture is good for maintaining control over diabetes and detoxing.
$126.88 CAD
Diabetic Immunity Mushroom Formula
$48.62 CAD
Digestive Health
$92.00 CAD
Dry Cough Lung Cleaner
I have used this formula to help my family (children, parents and grandparents) heal from colds, dry coughs , and long lasting sticky coughs.
Do not take if you have a known allergy to members of the mint family,
Consult a herbologist before use if you have heart disease, high or low blood pressure, kidney or liver disorder, diabetes or edema or take diuretics or if you have respiratory disorder or digestive disorders.
May have a laxative effect.
Discontinue if you feel nausea, diarrhea, dizziness or tremors.
Recommended dose: 1 ml three times per day for adults and children above 12 years of age
Do not use beyond 2 weeks.
$168.00 CAD
E Hormone Enhance
$67.00 CAD
EBV Formula 1
$31.90 CAD
EBV Formula 2
$30.00 CAD
EBV Formula 2
$30.00 CAD
EBV mix
$96.91 CAD
$31.52 CAD
Eliana's Formula
$67.76 CAD
Elise's Brain & Circ Tonic
uplifting, balancing, slightly energizing tonic for the brain and nervous system and supporting glands.
$98.65 CAD
Encephalitis WN
Antiviral systemic. Spleen and lymph stimulation, reduction of cytokines cascade, protection of neural cells and mitochondria, regenerate neural structures, adaptogens, inhibition of HMGB1. Added West Nile specific herb.
$104.39 CAD
Endocrine Tonic Tincture for Menopause
Inspired by Dr Christopher's Change-Ease formula. Strengthen and tones the endocrine system.
$91.89 CAD
Endometriosis detox
This detox tincture is for people who want to see improvement with their endometriosis and fallopian tubes.
$232.41 CAD
Energy Booster
Enerygy Booster is a complex formula made of different kinds of ginseng and other adaptogenic herbs. It will boost your energy, strength and stamina through out the day by lowering stress levels, provides better sleep and proper nutrition absorbtion.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$140.79 CAD
Female HAIR Tonic
$45.38 CAD
Female HAIR Tonic (100ml) (copy)
$170.56 CAD
Female Tonic
$30.00 CAD
Female Tonic Ultimate PCOS Support
$111.13 CAD
Fluid Balance and UTI Supplement
This tincture features dandelion, which has been traditionally used to support the maintenance of water equilibrium, as well as uva ursi and juniper, and cranberries which have been used historically by herbalists to support a healthy urinary tract.
$32.26 CAD
Focus & Mental Clarity
$30.26 CAD
Foot Spray
$33.00 CAD
Formula For Justice
Reproductive Tonic For Increased Testosterone. Adaptogenic Actions With Nervous System Regulation.
$94.01 CAD
Free radical tincture
This tincture helps fight off free radicals and strengthen the immune system while protecting the body from harmful pollutants.
$219.00 CAD
Gastro-Intestinal Trophorestorative Formula
Based on STW-5 (Iberogast) Beyer's formula from Germany, and supported by Canadian Society of Intestinal Research, this formula supports functional GI conditions and alleviate the patient’s pain and discomfort and relieve secondary symptoms including bloating and upper abdominal fullness in patients with dyspepsia; and constipation, bloating, diarrhea, and urgency in patients with IBS.
$36.00 CAD
GERD Reducer
Reduces symptoms with GERD (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease), Heartburn, Acidity, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Gas, inflammation in Digestive tract, Nausea and Bilious Vomit. Neutralizes stomach acid also helps and lowers burning sensation in entire digestive tract. Soothes and normalizes liver function for better bile reproduction.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$143.76 CAD
Glaucoma detox
This tincture is good for people who have glaucoma and want to see an improvement in their vision.
$222.34 CAD
Gout detox
This tincture is great for people who have gout get rid of the symptoms pertaing to it.
$214.10 CAD
Green Medicine - Super Eye Tonic
This tincture is for vision and eye problems and concerns.
$30.00 CAD
Green Medicine BACOPA Monnieri - BRAIN Tonic
Traditionally used as an overall brain tonic to enhance learning, memory, mental clarity and concentration.
$92.00 CAD
growing pains children
$30.00 CAD
Hair growth serum
This hair growth serum promotes healthy hair growth with continued use.
$191.72 CAD
Hard as a rock Male Tonic
$30.00 CAD
Headache Tonic
This tincture is great for people who suffer with headaches and want relief.
$118.22 CAD
$36.71 CAD
Heart burn tincture
This tincture can be used to improve acid reflux, heartburn and espohigitis, this tinture should be taken as often as needed.
$229.13 CAD
Heart Opening
$58.00 CAD
Heart Support
$184.92 CAD
Heart Tincture
Blue Cohosh(6) Caulophyllum
Hawthorn(6) Crataegus
Lily of the Valley(4) Convallaria
$30.00 CAD
Hemostatic Formula
$30.00 CAD
Hepatic Support for Better Sleep Formula
Consisting of trophorestorative herbs and adaptogens, this formula uses classical and long studied herbs to assist the liver which may struggle to breakdown melatonin.
If you experience increased bouts of daytime fatigue followed by night-time alertness, it may means your liver is finally deactivating the melatonin still circulating in the system but not in the correct circadian rhythm! This formula alleviates these aforementioned issues.
$42.00 CAD
Herbal fertility
Herbal fertility is good at helping you conceive during ovulation when determining your most fertile days.
$254.03 CAD
High Blood Pressure (copy)
$30.76 CAD
His and her fertility
This formula is great at helping both parties conceive while being energized, not stressing and lasting longer .
$238.31 CAD
Hormonal Support for Men
Supports the endocrine gland system, therefore helps balancing and maintaining healthy hormone levels. The herbs used in this tincture are few of the most important ones for the male system. Both tribulus and eleuthero are known to increase and sustain testoterone levels in men. Nettle roots have a powerful tonic effect on men, with no recorded side effects. Rhodiola is an excellent adaptogen for men and helps sustain long-term energy.
$30.26 CAD
Hot flash tincture
This tincture is great for getting rid of hot flashes and providing relief.
$229.37 CAD
HS Tincture
This tincture is great for people who want to see improvement with Hidradenitis suppurativa it kills the bacteria that causes the flareups.
$139.61 CAD
$168.00 CAD
$168.00 CAD
Hypnogogia (copy)
$39.61 CAD
Hypotensive and Cardiac Trophorestorative Formula
While the primary function of this formula is hypotensive, the synergy of the herbs can also help with a variety of inflammatory ailments. These include asthma, diabetes, and a tonic for general coronary health.
$36.32 CAD
Hypothyroidism detox
This tincture is great for people with hypothyroidism and thyroid who want to see improvement and overall greater health.
$231.68 CAD
I Got Your Six
Post Anti-Depressant Rx Formula: This formula has been specifically created as a tool to help after heavy PTSD and/or MDD medications (Seroquel, Wellbutrin, and SSRIs) have been lowered to their minimal dosage, in order to ease into or prevent a potential withdrawal period. It is safe for those who are unmedicated by suffer from SAD.
$44.71 CAD
Immune defense
$106.80 CAD
Inaara's Super-soother oat tincture blend
1 part motherwort
1 part california poppy
1 part oat tops
1 part fresh skullcap
$30.00 CAD
Infection 5
$36.00 CAD
Infection 6
$62.78 CAD
Inner Wandering
For use in energetic aid with meditation, plant spirit connection, and direct and clear connection with one's inner self.
$168.00 CAD
Intestinal Mover
Intestinal Mover is a natural digestive aid that promotes gentle bowel relief and proper digestive function.
Thirteen herbs and botanicals in this proprietary blend are formulated in specific ratios for maximum efficacy. They work together to increase water absorption in the stool and support normal digestive, intestinal, and stomach function.
$76.00 CAD
Contains herbs that are natural sources of iron. Gentle and easy on the stomach, this formula is ideal for the whole family.
NOTE: Not suggested if you have ulcers.
$30.00 CAD
Irregular heart tincture
This tincture is for people with irregular heartbeats that want to see improvement .
$136.58 CAD
Jerome Male Tonic (copy)
$125.32 CAD
Joan's Urinary Formula
I researched the 3 main ingredients in URILESS and UROX and decided to make my formula for less. These herbs have traditionally been used to reduce the frequency of urination.
$58.00 CAD
Joint Tonic
$30.00 CAD
Joint Tonic (copy)
$45.00 CAD
Karolina's Mycoplasma Formula - Excl. Chinese Skullcap
For Lyme Co-infection, Mycoplasma
Modified from Stephen Buhner book Healing Lyme Disease Coinfections for Bartonella & Mycoplasma
Experiences will be documented later
$58.00 CAD
$92.00 CAD
Kidney Jing formula
restore kidney yang,
support heart Qi,
increase circulation,
move Qi down
$36.00 CAD
Kidney Liver Pancreas Blend
Extra support with infusion/tea protocol for healing and detox.
$102.44 CAD
Kidney Stone Clear & Protect
$168.00 CAD
Kidney Stones/Renal Calculi
$168.00 CAD
Kidney Support
$35.10 CAD
Kidney Support
$168.00 CAD
Kidney Tonic
Dandelion, licorice, milk thistle, porio reishi and Turkey tail mushrooms, schizandra berries, ho shu wu root, goji berries, Siberian ginseng, black pepper, stevia
$79.00 CAD
Kidney/Bladder Support
This is a formula from the herbal dispensary where I used to work. This is recommended to use for a once a year treatment to support kidney and bladder function or in cases of infection or disease.
$69.54 CAD
KK Formula - No nettle
$37.29 CAD
KNY chemo adjuvant
$188.71 CAD
Lance's Lion Allergy Relief
$39.00 CAD
Lance's Lion Testosterone Potion
$79.05 CAD
Leah's Formula
$66.01 CAD
Leaky gut detox
This tincture can help fix leaky gut issues for people who suffer from it .
$230.52 CAD
Leslie's Formula
$64.00 CAD
Libido Enhancer
Enhances male and female sex drive. Improves blood circulation to genitals and all parts of the body. Increases desire for sex, sperm count and quantity, helps to maintain erection for longer periods, helps to come over premature ejaculation by lowering stress level. Treats condition of impotency. Enhances male and female vitality. Provides energy, better sleep and boosts libido.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$258.69 CAD
Lions High Blood Pressure tincture
High Blood Pressure tincture for reduction of pressure
$36.00 CAD
Liver Cleanser
Dextoxifies and eliminates toxins from liver. Helps liver to recover its normal functions and also aids in liver cirhosis and fatty liver condition as well. Regulates proper blood circulation, digestion, secretion of bile and other enymes.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$140.63 CAD
Liver Love
2 pts milkthistle seed
1 pt dandelion root
1 pt artichoke leaf
to detox and support the liver
$30.00 CAD
Liver Support
$175.07 CAD
Living Defense
This tincture is good for people who want to see improvement with their gut flora.
$45.00 CAD
Long Life Elixir (Rosemary Gladstar's recipe)
Herbal tonic, this elixir builds strength and vitality by nourishing the endocrine glands. It can be used by both sexes, but is predominantly a masculine tonic, formulated with herbs specifically for men.
$66.45 CAD
LoriLyme GDB Lyme Formula (copy)
$30.00 CAD
LoriLyme Immune Support Cocktail
$44.42 CAD
LoriLyme RMSF Support
This formula was created based on Steven Bonner’s recommendations for RMSF.
$30.00 CAD
LoriLyme Vital Immune Support
$66.05 CAD
Love Potion
These are all elements that stimulate the Love response...It affects the emotions...Mood...This Love Potion is about feelings...Softens people, makes them open up emotionally...
$41.63 CAD
Lust Draft
If the name is any indication, this formulation is designed for one thing: to make you horny and ready for sexy fun! Effective on males and females.
$42.29 CAD
Lyme Formula
$174.35 CAD
Lyme Formula-Zhang
Lyme formula using the 7 botanicals reommended by Dr. Zhang's research
$176.57 CAD
lymph drainage
$58.00 CAD
Lymph Formula 1
$33.80 CAD
$74.47 CAD
Lymphatic Drainage
$47.63 CAD
Male Stuff
$174.28 CAD
Male Tonic
$31.26 CAD
Male Tonic (copy)
$133.24 CAD
Mastalgia Tincture
This tincture is great for people who want to see improvement with Mastalgia breast pain.
$107.69 CAD
Menopause tincture
This tincture is good for people who want to see improvement with menopause and get rid of it .
$235.59 CAD
Menopause tincture 2
$42.00 CAD
Mental clarity
This tincture helps with depression, mood changes, mental illnesses and detoxification.
$220.75 CAD
Methane w/ Horopito and clove (1000ml, 66 days)
$197.50 CAD
Microbiome Master
Used to fight candida overgrowth, parasites, mold toxins, start with 4 drops twice daily.
$168.00 CAD
Mucoid plaque detox
this detox supports your body’s natural drainage process for removing unwanted elements, it helps with removing mucous build-up in the intestinal tract out of the body.
$220.03 CAD
Mucous removal tincture
This tincture is great for cleansing the lymphatic system of excessive amounts of mucous.
$233.77 CAD
Mucus Manager!
Helps to break down mucus in the lower respiratory tract. Aids in expectoration.
1 pt grindelia
1 pt elecampane
$30.00 CAD
Muscle Rub
$30.00 CAD
Musculoskeletal Support
This combination is recommended by Matthew Wood for all musculoskeletal issues. It helps with issues of calcification, decalcification, tendons, sinews, attachments, scar tissue and more. The Solomon's Seal will also reduce inflammation and help the body regain a state of fulcrum - meaning that if a tendon is too loose, it will tighten it and if it is too tight, it will loosen it. Horsetail anchors calcium into the bones and nourishes the cartilage all while strengthening all the "tubes" in our body, from our bladder to our nerve sheaths. I added Marshmallow Root to soothe tissues and also support joints by replenishing the synovial fluids and cartilage.
$60.84 CAD
My African Peach Formula
$34.60 CAD
My Agaricus Mushroom Formula
A mushroom (and fo-ti!) blend I am making for myself to support immunity and for general mushroom goodness.
$71.36 CAD
My Balloon Flower Formula
$32.49 CAD
My Cramp Formula
$58.00 CAD
My Fo-Ti Formula
$30.00 CAD
My Fo-Ti Formula
$58.00 CAD
My Lyme Disease Formula
I developed this from Healing Lyme Disease and google research. It got me over chronic Lyme. I added Cat's Claw when I learned it may reduce blood pressure, and my blood pressure has been dramatically better since I added Cat's Claw.
$180.70 CAD
My mild antiviral
$37.14 CAD
My Rhocha moss
$30.52 CAD
Neuro Lyme Forumula
This formula is based on Stephen Buhner's recommended herbs for neurological Lyme. I have experimented with many of his recommended herbs and this formula worked for me.
Each month on this formula my symptoms decreased. Once symptoms resolve, reduce slowly.
$172.48 CAD
Helps increase blood flow to the brain, increases mental clarity and possibly promotes growth of nerve cell dendrites.
$173.12 CAD
Osteoporosis Tinture
This tincture is good for people who want to see improvement in their osteoporosis .
$101.54 CAD
Ovarian cyst detox
This tincture is good for people who suffer from ovarian cyst and want to see improvement.
$237.56 CAD
Oxygen for the Liver and Cerebellum
Try a tablespoon to start ; see how you feel...One tablespoon 3 times a day should be sufficient as a low dose...If treating something critical, 3 tablespoons 3 times a day..
Note: All ingredients in this formula are Oxygen family elements, diuretic action, arousing mentally and physically...
$45.50 CAD
Pain & Rest tincture
sedating, nerve and muscular relaxant, pain killer, sleep easier and longer
$79.00 CAD
Pain Tonic
$30.00 CAD
Parasite cleanse
Black Walnut, Andrographis, Elecampane root, Pau D'Arco, Cat's Claw, Olive Leaf, Cloves, Artemisia annua
$168.00 CAD
$36.00 CAD
Part 2
$70.00 CAD
partial babesia protocol stephen buhner
$180.49 CAD
$70.06 CAD
Phase 1 kidney
$30.00 CAD
Phil's Fabulous Formula
$93.24 CAD
Phytochemicals Targeting α-Synuclein Aggregation
Formula based on findings from research paper 'Plant Extracts and Phytochemicals Targeting α-Synuclein Aggregation in Parkinson's Disease Models [with Lewy Bodies]; 2019' (
$45.00 CAD
Pinelopi Cadamov
$33.00 CAD
Pomegranate Peel and Seed
Pomegranate extract rebalances gut flora. It has anti-bacterial effects against the hydrogen gas producing bacteria implicated in SIBO. It promotes the growth of Lactobacillus bacteria which improves gut health and digestion.
$58.00 CAD
Poultry Protector Custom Synergistic Blend
Custom blend of Chinese Skullcap with additional herbs to support organs most commonly affected by Marek’s Disease in poultry, to reduce inflammation of nerves and tissues and provide pain relief.
$58.00 CAD
Power Boost Base
To support immunity and decrease inflammation.
3 pts ginger, garlic, curcumin, horseradish
1 pt cayenne
$30.00 CAD
Pre-Diabetic Prevention Formula
This formula is based on herbal pharmacology studies, as cited by The Diabetes Action Research and Education Foundation.
Specifically formulated to support blood sugar management, it provides long-term comfort for individuals with pre-diabetes type 2.
This tincture is designed to complement a healthy diabetic friendly lifestyle. The plants' synergy provides hypoglycemic actions, including a potential corrective effect on inadequate insulin production, while protecting heart health.
$117.74 CAD
Prokinetic Formula
$92.00 CAD
Psoriasis Formula
$71.63 CAD
$168.00 CAD
Renal Formula
For Renal Anemia, for production of EPO Naturally ( erythropoietin ). Avoid the side effects of EPO injections.
Research information:
$30.38 CAD
Respiratory Aid
$92.00 CAD
Respiratory detox
Respiratory detox tincture is great at detoxing the lungs and bronchial area and improving your health.
$234.59 CAD
Respiratory Infections (Shuang Huang Lian)
Used for respiratory infections (upper and lower).
$30.33 CAD
$236.27 CAD
Ron's Formula
$64.00 CAD
$168.00 CAD
Seasonal Allergy Aid
May help to provide temporary relief of symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.
$95.00 CAD
Sedative and Nervine Sleep Aid Formula:
This tincture promotes healthy sleep cycles, helping to ease the mind and calm racing thoughts. It is also indicated when pain is making sleep difficult. This formula will also help relieve sleep issues in case of respiratory conditions due to inflammation, such as asthma, chronic sinus inflammation, and allergies.
$36.00 CAD
Sex Drive Enhancer
Stimulates sexual desire, fertility, vitality, energy for both male and female. Increases blood flow and improves blood circulation to genitals and rest of the body.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shakh.
$157.08 CAD
Shrink tumours-(herbal form of Paclitaxel and Taxotere type drugs)
10 parts Yew Tip Montana...(100 ml bottle)
Tincture formula is a natural alcohol base with sufficient herb to offset alcohol base ingredients...
Yew Tip is used for postmenopausal women, rather than Madagascar periwinkle(more commonly used for premenopausal women)...
Yew Tip is also Iodine family, and is used to make Paclitaxel drug, which is also similar to Arimidex drug...
$30.00 CAD
Shuanghuanglian 100
$30.33 CAD
Shuanghuanglian 1000
$170.80 CAD
Shuanghuanglian 250
$59.15 CAD
Shuanghuanglian 500
$93.55 CAD
SIBO Formula #1
$92.00 CAD
Sibo mixed
$92.00 CAD
SIBO Tx (copy)
$58.00 CAD
Simple Babesia, Bartonella & EBV Buster
1. Sida Acuta
2. Wormwood
3. Cryptolepis
Combats Babesia & Bartonella bacteria and Epstein-Barr Virus.
$32.47 CAD
Simple Lyme Buster
1. Japanese Knotweed
2. Cat’s Claw
3. Andrographis
Combats Lyme Disease Bacteria
$30.00 CAD
skin oil
$233.06 CAD
Skin Purifier
Skin purifier formula dextoxifies toxins from skin. This unique formula rejuvinates and clears skin from complicated skin conditions.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$45.00 CAD
It doesn't make you drowsy but it helps calm your brain and eases anxiety to let you sleep. You may still wake up, but you will be able to slip back to sleep. Wake up rested. Seems to have an effect of about 6-8 hours so take accordingly.
I believe I found it in The Modern Herbal Dispensatory by Thomas Easley and Steven Horne.
I, several members of my family, as well as several friends, have all had great success with it. A couple of whom sometimes have quite serious problems with sleeping and this tincture (or tea) has helped where nothing else would, short of strong prescription medicine.
$33.00 CAD
Sleepy Time Remedy
$33.98 CAD
Stella TFT
Homeopathic female remedy for decreased libido and fatigue.
If experiencing a loss of sexual desire and lack of energy, Stella TFT will bring it back.
1. Improves diminished sexual desire and arousal.
2. Escalates vaginal lubrication naturally.
3. Boosts sexual energy and mood.
4. Supports female reproductive health.
$98.00 CAD
Step 1 - Cleansing/Mucus Removal
$65.79 CAD
Step 2 - Blood Circulation
$71.37 CAD
Step 3: Boost Immune System
$40.66 CAD
Step 4: Eye Cleansers
$36.00 CAD
Tara's Bowel Tonic
Along with marshmallow, slippery elm, and fresh aloe makes a long-term tonic for the intestines. No laxative or moving power except a slight adrenal and gall bladder stimulation.
$95.00 CAD
Tara's Endo Glands
In combo with eleuthero, ashwangandha, and kelp powders, and vitex tincture.. makes a super support of adrenals, pituitary, thyroids and more.
$107.31 CAD
Tea tree lavender oil
$30.00 CAD
Teeth and bone healing
$30.00 CAD
The Bronchinator
Elecampane 3pts,Cordyceps Mushroom 3pts,Elderberry 3pts
Ginkgo leaf 2pts,Benzoin gum 2pts,Wild Cherry Bark 2pts
Kava Kava Root 1pts,Ginger Root 1pts,Thyme 1pts.
blend for respiratory infections chest congestion
coughs,bronchial relaxant,bronchial dilator,improves oxygen
helps with pain and discomfort
$42.07 CAD
Thermogenic tincture
This tincture Helps speed up the metabolism and aids in weight loss.
$215.83 CAD
Thermogenic tincture (copy)
This tincture is great for weight loss it can be mixed with water or tea.
$218.74 CAD
Thrive Immunity (copy)
$30.00 CAD
Thyroid Formula
Bladderwrack - Source of iodine & antioxidants, reduces inflammation, aids digestion, supports heart, thyroid, and pituitary
Ashwagandha - Adaptogen (stress/anxiety), balances hormones, reduces inflammation
Black Cohosh - Balances hormones, aids digestion, reduces inflammation
Cleaver's Herb - Lymphatic support, fights cancer, reduces inflammation, supports kidneys and urinary tract
Can reduce and/or eliminate dependence on thyroid medication
$168.00 CAD
Thyroid Regulator
Treats and improves symptoms of Hypothyroidism by using powerful herbs. This unique formula regulates TSH, T3 and T4 hormone levels. It provides energy, lowers stress, fatigue and weakness in the body. It also reduces inflammation in thyroid gland and improves blood circulation.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
$79.86 CAD
Total Detox
Dextoxifies and eliminates toxins form urinary, intestinal and biliary systems. Promotes digestion and elimination with its diuretic and laxative actions.
$39.00 CAD