THIS IS A USER SUBMITTED FORMULA. The product name, description & instructions have not been written or reviewed by Herbie's Herbs.
It is not intended to treat or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase.

Seasonal Allergy Aid

$95.00 CAD

seasonal allergy aid

Herb Quantity
Eyebright herb- Euphrasia officinalis 2 parts (66.67 ml)
Dandelion root- Taraxacum officinale 1 part (33.33 ml)
Red Clover leaf+flower- Trifolium pratense 1 part (33.33 ml)
Nettle leaf- Urtica dioica 2 parts (66.67 ml)
Horehound herb- Marrubium vulgare 2 parts (66.67 ml)
Mullein leaf- Verbascum thapsus 2 parts (66.67 ml)
Garlic - Allium sativum 1 part (33.33 ml)
Rosemary leaf- Rosmarinus officinalis 1 part (33.33 ml)
Perilla leaf- Perilla frutescens 1 part (33.33 ml)
Yarrow flower- Achillea millefolium 1 part (33.33 ml)
Lobelia herb- Lobelia inflata 1 part (33.33 ml)
Total Quantity 500 ml


  • The information on this web site has not been evaluated by the Canadian Dept. of Health and Welfare or by the US FDA. It is not intended to diagnose, treat, or cure any diseases or replace medical attention. Please consult your practitioner, physician or herbal specialist before using any products you purchase.
  • We are not a allergen-free facility.


May help to provide temporary relief of symptoms associated with seasonal allergies.


Take 1 ml 3 times daily or as required. Contact your health care provider before taking if you are pregnant of breastfeeding.