Mixed Herb Formulas

Arogya Vardhani

Properties and Uses:Helpful in managing conditions involving anemia, liver, skin, and hypothyroidism.
2 available options
Starting at: $33.83 CAD

Avipattikar Churma

Properties and Uses:Laxative, carminative, cholagogue, useful in managing hyperacidity, heartburn, biliousness, vomiting, indigestion, dropsy, rheumatism, and digestive disorders of the Pitta type.
2 available options
Starting at: $19.00 CAD


Properties and Uses:Also known as Country Mallow, this herb contains ephedrine, and is therefore used as a cardiac stimulant, diuretic, decongestant, anti-asthmatic, anti-depressant, and more. It is used traditionally in Ayurveda for a wide range of conditions, such as bleeding piles, facial paralysis, colic, tenesmus, heart disease, sexual debility, convalescence, sciatica, tinnitus, headache, chronic dyssentry, hematuria, cystitis, leucorrhea, elephantiasis, wounds, weakness, emaciation, hemiplegia, neuralgia, gonorrhea, insanity, frequent micturation, stiff neck, and external massage. It is classified as a cooling, astringent, stomachic, tonic, bitter, febrifuge, demulcent capable of helping several nerve conditions, including inflammation. In Ayurvedic terminology, Bala is "Vata Pacifying". CAUTION: Use this herb with extreme caution or avoid altogether if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, prostate disease, or diabetes. Do not use this herb with anti-depressants such as MAOI's or if you are pregnant. Avoid using this herb for more than seven days consecutively, it may be habit forming.
2 available options
Starting at: $27.10 CAD

Chywanprash, Revitalizing Formula, 600 g

600 gRevitalizing Formula
$49.00 CAD
* Out Of Stock

Country Mallow

Properties and Uses:Also known as Country Mallow, this herb contains ephedrine, and is therefore used as a cardiac stimulant, diuretic, decongestant, anti-asthmatic, anti-depressant, and more. It is used traditionally in Ayurveda for a wide range of conditions, such as bleeding piles, facial paralysis, colic, tenesmus, heart disease, sexual debility, convalescence, sciatica, tinnitus, headache, chronic dyssentry, hematuria, cystitis, leucorrhea, elephantiasis, wounds, weakness, emaciation, hemiplegia, neuralgia, gonorrhea, insanity, frequent micturation, stiff neck, and external massage. It is classified as a cooling, astringent, stomachic, tonic, bitter, febrifuge, demulcent capable of helping several nerve conditions, including inflammation. In Ayurvedic terminology, Bala is "Vata Pacifying". CAUTION: Use this herb with extreme caution or avoid altogether if you have high blood pressure, heart disease, thyroid disease, prostate disease, or diabetes. Do not use this herb with anti-depressants such as MAOI's or if you are pregnant. Avoid using this herb for more than seven days consecutively, it may be habit forming.
2 available options
Starting at: $27.10 CAD

Curry Mild

Properties and Uses:Unlike two other plants of the same name, the Curry Plant's name does result from its curry like smell, but it is not part of curry blends. The leaf gives a curry flavor to soups or casseroles.
2 available options
Starting at: $5.40 CAD

Draksha Ayurvedic Herbal Tonic

16 ozDr. Vasant Lad's recipe
$43.75 CAD

Garam Masala

2 available options
Starting at: $10.00 CAD

Kai-Shore Guggulu

Properties and Uses:According to Ayurveda, it is used in rheumatism, arthritis, gout, nervous disorders, debility, bronchitis, whooping cough, skin diseases, and ulcers. Guggul increases the white blood cells, is a powerful immune stimulant and antioxidant, and is used in cases involving laryngitis, bronchitis, pneumonia, sinus problems, genito-urinary conditions, menstrual disorders, digestive disorders, and toxins, where it acts as a broad spectrum antiseptic and general purifier and rejuvenator. It is also used to help hair growth, for oral care of the dentrifice, eg. as a gargle for the throat and gums. Some reports indicate potential usefulness in obesity, where it is reputed to lead to weight reduction as a thyroid stimulant, causing fat loss. Recent research shows Guggul is one of the most powerful cholesterol-lowering agents known, also lowering the triglycerides.
2 available options
Starting at: $53.63 CAD

Lavan Bhaskar

Properties and Uses:Stimulant, carminative, and laxative. Traditionally used in Ayurveda to decrease Vata, increase "agni", and Pitta, and manage constipation, intestinal colic, diarrhea, abdominal pain, loss of appetite, malabsorption, and tumors.
2 available options
Starting at: $21.00 CAD

Maha Sudarshan

Properties and Uses:Bitter, pungent, anti-pyretic, alterative, and anti-periodic. Traditionally used in Ayurveda to treat excessive "Pitta", such as chronic febrile diseases, weak digestion, enlargement of the liver and spleen, liver problems in general, constipation, and back pain. It is also applied externally to help treat impetigo contagiosa.
2 available options
Starting at: $20.00 CAD


Properties and Uses:Useful in derangements of Vata and Pitta, traditionally used for fevers involving cough and vomitting.
2 available options
Starting at: $16.00 CAD

Sitopladi Churna

Properties and Uses:This is a major Ayurvedic anti-kapha formula, which also reduces vata. It is an expectorant and anti-tussive, useful in colds, fever, lack of appetite, debility, and cough. It is also traditionally used to treat burning sensations in the extremities.
2 available options
Starting at: $26.20 CAD


Properties and Uses:Stimulant and expectorant, traditionally used to reduce Kapha and Vata, and increase Pitta. Useful in the management of indigestion, cough, and lack of appetite. Especially suitable for cases involving low "agni" and high "ama".
2 available options
Starting at: $35.80 CAD

Triphala 3 Fruits

Properties and Uses:This famous Ayurvedic laxative compound is gentle, non-addictive, and effective, with tonic properties useful in the management of chronic constipation, chronic diarrhea, abdominal gas and distention. It has rejuvenative and astringent properties, and is "Tridoshic", meaning it is suitable for any constitutional type (any of the three doshas). It also is traditionally used in the management of diabetes and eye diseases.
7 available options
Starting at: $13.00 CAD

Triphala Guggulu

Properties and Uses:Alterative, anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antiseptic, very cleansing and detoxifying for Vata, particularly in Sama conditions or when Vata has entered the lymph or blood. Traditionally used in the management of abscesses, ulcers, hemorrhoids, nasal polyps, edema, and arthritis.
2 available options
Starting at: $45.38 CAD

Yograj Guggulu

Properties and Uses:This purifying and rejuvenating compound is used traditionally to treat upper respiratory tract conditions such as sinus problems, bronchitis, pneumonia, laryngitis, whooping cough, and as a gargle for sore throat and gums. Additionally, it has a high reputation in the management of inflammatory conditions, such as arthritis, especially rheumatism and gout. It is a powerful anti-oxidant, and stimulates the immune system's white blood cells. Traditionally it is used for a wide range of problems related to toxins, such as skin problems and genito-urinary disorders, as well as obesity, and fat, weight reduction. Other indications include menstrual disorders and digestive disturbances, and it is a general tonic to the eyes, hair, nervous system, and dentrifice. It also helps to increase the appetite, and assists in the management of diabetes. Recent research shows Guggul is one of the most powerful cholesterol-lowering agents known, also lowering the triglycerides. The herbs combined here with Guggul have a special reputation also as antispasmodic carminatives, with laxative and detoxifying properties.
2 available options
Starting at: $52.80 CAD