Provides complete dextoxification of toxins and metal from the body through lymphatic, urinary, biliary and digestive channels. Helps to rejuvinate entire body from using all powerful cleansing herbs. It will open your senses, clears mental fog, dizziness, improves vision, nasal passages, hearing, blood circulation, tissue inflammation, edema and swelling, clears skin from acne, spots, dark circles, dryness and eczema by purifying blood from impurites. Eliminates joint, knee and back pains. Dissolves blood clots from arteries, veins, lungs, heart and brain. Balances pH, sugar, cholesterol, stomach acid levels and alkalize your entire body.
FORMULA BY: Hamzah Shaikh.
This Cleanser must be use with only Part 2 of Complete Cleanser.
Shake well before use. Adults (Ages 18-60 only) take 10-15 drops in 1 cup of water along with Part 2 of Complete Cleanser's 10-15 drops, half an hour before or 2 hours after meal 2-3 times a day. Leave 2 hours of intervel between other medications.
WARNING: Do not use this medication for more than 4 weeks. Consult physician before using this product, may not be suitable for persons who are younger than 18 years of age, elderly aged over 60 years or for patients with serious health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes and cancer. Discontinue to use immediately if notice any allergies or side effect.