Staying clear from marketing terms such as detox and cleanse, this herbal plan focuses on supporting and strengthening the liver functions.
It also improves and aids elimination to reduce the accumulation of metabolic waste products within the body, thus also supporting the lymphatic system.
Posology: 5 mL, twice per day, for 10 days.
Nutrition: Limit/avoid red meat, dairy, and gluten intake for the entire herbal plan (10 days).
Lifestyle: Avoid alcohol and do not smoke. Avoid synthetic perfumes and make up products. Do not start the treatment if you are taking antibiotics. Focus on rest and sleep.
Can irritate a weaken digestive system (IBS) and cause diarrhea, which is expected and normal.
The tincture will most likely facilitate the passing of gallbladder sludge, and as such could bring some pain and discomfort. Celandine was added to the formula to reduce possible spasms.
Could temporarily worsen eczema, migraine, or acne, but this side effect is expected, and is minimized with the addition chamomile and meadowsweet.
Do not take if pregnant of if diagnosed with gallbladder issues/stones (requiring surgery).